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                KEMA TRI-17 Oil with PTFE

                KEMA TRI-17 Oil with PTFE润滑喷剂是一种多功能润滑剂,具有出色的蠕变和渗透性能,可用于各种情况。 即使在高负载和/或高温应用中,高 PTFE 含量也能提供出色的润滑效果。 KEMA TRI-17 Oil with PTFE润滑喷剂在所有关键和负载部件上形成一层坚韧的薄膜,以最大限度地减少◢摩擦和磨损。 KEMA TRI-17 Oil with PTFE润滑喷剂非常适合需︻要良好、有效润滑的链条和齿轮。

                KEMA TRI-17 Oil with PTFE润滑喷剂

                KEMA TRI-17 Oil with PTFE润滑喷剂是一种多功能润滑剂,具有出色的蠕变和渗透性能,可用于各种情况。 即使在高负载和/或高温应用中,高 PTFE 含量也能提供出色的润滑效果。 KEMA TRI-17 Oil with PTFE润滑喷剂在所有关键和负载部件上形成一层坚韧的薄膜,以最大限度地减少摩擦和磨损。 KEMA TRI-17 Oil with PTFE润滑喷剂非常适合需要良好、有效润滑的链条和齿轮。


                ? 多用途润滑剂

                ? PTFE 减少摩擦和磨损

                ? 透明配方,能见度高

                ? 良好的渗透和蠕变特性

                KEMA TRI-17 Oil with PTFE

                KEMA TRI-17 is a versatile lubricant with outstanding creep and penetration properties that can be used in a variety of situations. High PTFE levels provide great lubrication, even in high load and/or high temperature applications. It forms a tough film on all critical and loaded parts to minimize friction and wear. Great for

                chains and gearwheels where good, effective lubrication is needed.


                ? Multipurpose lubricant

                ? PTFE reduces friction and wear

                ? Transparent formula for good visibility

                ? Great penetration and creep properties

                标签: KEMA TRI-17

