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                ROCOL AEROSPEC 210石墨航空〓润滑脂

                ROCOL AEROSPEC 210石墨航空润№滑脂】(ROCOL 16531)获得了JSD XG 273等认证,设计用于∩在板簧、提升导轨、钢丝绳和波顿电缆等设备上提供卓越的润滑性能。

                ROCOL AEROSPEC 210石墨航¤空润滑脂

                ROCOL AEROSPEC 210石墨航空润滑○脂(ROCOL 16531)获得了JSD XG 273等认证,设计用于在板簧、提升导轨、钢丝绳和波顿电缆等设备上提供卓越的润滑性能。

                ROCOL AEROSPEC 210 graphite aerospace grease is approved to JSD XG 273 amongst others and designed to give outstanding lubrication performance on equipment such as leaf springs, lift guides, steel wire rope and bowden cables.

                ROCOL AEROSPEC 210 is approved to:

                DEF STAN 91-85/1

                JSD XG 273

                Rolls Royce Specification – R-R OMAT 404A

                NATO Stock Number: 9150 99 942-3151

                AEROSPEC 210 is also suitable for machine guns and small arms weaponry in hot, dusty conditions. It demonstrates excellent low temperature performance with extremely low starting and running torque figures and provides excellent performance in the presence of water.

                ROCOL AEROSPEC? 210

                Multi-purpose, Extreme Low Temperature, Graphited Aerospace Grease

                Wide temperature range -73 to +120°C

                Excellent low temperature performance

                Wide operating temperature range

                Exceptional stability

                Highly resistant to water washout

                Approved to JSD XG 273

                Size: 75gPart Number: ROCOL 16531

                关键词:ROCOL AEROSPEC 210,石墨航空润滑脂,ROCOL 16531

